Fall Chest Shake-Up and Sale
Spice up your zoo with the addicting unpredictablitity of chests - you never know what surprises are in store for you!
From now until September 30 at 11:59 am CEST, you can enjoy phenomenal savings:
Buy two premium chests (excluding TerrAqua Chests) and get one free or save 40% off on six Retro or Legendary Chests!
During the sale, you'll also earn 15% more Tickets from scrapping puzzle pieces and completing items with Tickets will cost 15% less!
Along with our sale, we're swapping around the featured animals in all three premium chests:
Epic Chests will contain at least one Red River Hog Piece
Legendary Chests will contain at least one Sumatran Tiger Piece
Retro Chests will contain at least one Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey Piece