
We ❤️ Tsintaosaurus

Did you know dinosaurs really love roses? We sure didn't!

Ah - the sweet scent of roses!

There are rumors going around that certain dinosaurs are just crazy about them, and can't resist a nice rosy offering.

Why not see if there's something to that? From now until February 17th, you'll be able to decorate your zoo with an enchanting array of rose-themed decorations and set the scene for romance with a romatic dinner.

Each decoration you place will allow you to collect Hearts from time to time. Collect these and redeem them for amazing prizes - ranging from flowery decorations over a new color variant of the Dilophosaurus to the fabled Tsintaosaurus, a brand-new dinosaur!

Tags: dinos, dinopark, dinosaur park, valentines event, v-day, tsintaosaurus, dilophosaurus
Let's go!