upjers News

2016-10-26 - Golden glittering walls and pyramids are sure to impress your visitors - but beware: it is said the treasures within are guarded by mummies!
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2016-10-26 - Halloween is just around the corner and what better way to prepare than with some horrifying decorations and a frighteningly fun event?
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2016-10-26 - A little bit of weather should never stop you having a good time - with the Orangery, you can enjoy all the benefits of a garden indoors. All winter long!
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2016-10-25 - Awe-inspiring structures, terrifying gods, creepy preservation methods, mummies and more - the ancient Egyptians had it all. Now you can, too!
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2016-10-25 - Professor Fluffling is haunting the hallways and corridors once again, dressed as his alter ego Count Fluffula. He has a frighteningly fun dice game set up for you - if you dare!
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2016-09-27 - The cool autumn weather is especially beneficial for some of your crops - so get out into the fields and start sowing!
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2016-09-07 - The beaches are somewhat emptier, and only a few adventurous guests are swimming laps in the pool. Autumn is finally here - it may be getting colder, but this season brings with it a whole new type of beauty, and going for long walks has never been more fun.
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2016-09-07 - The foliage is ablaze with color!
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2016-09-06 - From far and wide, knights are coming to My Little Farmies to take part in a tournament - the village has never been more excited!
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