upjers News

2024-06-14 - Three times the fangs, claws and cuteness!
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2024-06-14 - ...but it's not this wonderful skunk-themed event!
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2024-06-13 - As Curt continues his travels around the globe, he's always good for a surprise!
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2024-06-13 - Tim's friends have been too absorbed in their trading card game to make time for the zoo... but Lisa and Tim have a plan!
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2024-06-12 - It's Dory's birthday! If you want to celebrate her longer, don't forget: you can permanently have her in your zoo as an NPC!
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2024-06-11 - We're celebrating theropods with lots of threes - 3 days, 3 toes, 3 babies!
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2024-06-11 - It's that time of year again - the hot summers that make you think you're sitting in a jungle. Well, you could be!
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2024-06-07 - ...with refreshing savings and splashing experience bonuses celebrating aquatic animals in water enclosures and saltwater aquariums!
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2024-06-07 - Life started out in the water - and the water is still teeming with incredible creatures!
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2024-06-06 - Just in time for the chest sale, we're shaking up chests, allowing you to get a chance at the adorable Sloth Bear and playful Commerson's Dolphin if you missed them when they were available as bonus/VIP gifts.
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