upjers News

2013-05-22 - One of the most colorful mammals worldwide has returned to the zoo: welcome the mandrill in your zoo shops!
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2013-05-21 - The time has come again: we've got another super-animal campaign for you! During the course of this super-animal campaign, all players from level 4 onwards, will now be able to gather red rags, which you, if you're lucky, will be able to find when harvesting tomatoes, radishes and strawberries.
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2013-05-21 - As of today, all players from level 8 on will be able to access the special new herb garden on Molehill Empire. What's so special about it? Well, here, you will be able to participate at specific events. During predetermined periods of time, the event gnome will ask you for specific herbs, which you'll be able to grow here. Handing them in, and completing the tasks you receive will gain you points.
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2013-05-15 - One million players can't be wrong: this game rocks! Celebrate 1,000,000 GarbageGarage users with us, and profit big time!
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2013-05-14 - Help save this endangered species and get yourselves a beautiful cheetah for your zoo!
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2013-05-13 - Spice up your zoos with Mother's Day decorations to gain prizes, and watch the white beauty glide through your aquarium: as of today, you'll be able to make the beluga whale a new home in one of your aquarium houses!
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2013-05-08 - Celebrate your Mothers and spoil them with a few beautiful presents: Mother's Day is coming up - time to celebrate on Molehill Empire!
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