
Turtally Awesome Event and Epic Chest Animal

It's time to invoke some turtle power for big experience bonuses and even triplets! Our Epic Chests also have an exciting new animal for your virtual zoos!

Slow and steady wins the race!


From now until May 26, at 11:59 am CEST, you'll get 150% more experience for taking care of your hard-shelled pals and successful turtle breedings are guaranteed to result in triplets!

Event applies to the following species:
Alligator Snapping Turtle, Giant Tortoise, Hawksbill Sea Turtle, Indian Star Tortoise, Mata Mata

But that's not all! We also have a new chest animal for you:

Each Epic Chest is now guaranteed to contain a piece of the all-new Blue-Eyed Black Lemur!

Blue-eyed black lemurs all have blue eyes (differentiating it from the otherwise quite similar black lemur), but females aren't actually black. Instead, they have a fiery reddish-brown coat of fur!

In your zoo, a jungle enclosure will approximate its natural habitat on the island of Madagascar. This mesmerizing creature can be kept in groups of eight.

Tags: zoo2, zoo 2, animal park, event, turtles, tortoises, epic chest, blue-eyed black lemur
Let's go!