
The Black Rhino is Back

If you missed your chance at this tank of an animal previously, you're in luck! It's back as an alternative bonus gift option with Diamond purchases.
The critically endangered Black Rhinoceros can be distinguished from the other African rhino species, the White Rhinoceros, by the shape of its upper lip. It is sometimes also called the Hook-Lipped Rhinoceros.

When you purchase bundles of 100 Diamonds¹ or more, you can now choose to get a Black Rhinoceros as a free bonus gift (instead of a Red-Footed Tortoise or Tokay Gecko*)!

You can keep these thick-skinned tanks in a savanna enclosure, in groups of up to six animals.

With purchases of 200 Diamonds² or more, you can even get breeding pair of rhinos!

As always, you'll still have the option to pick a VIP gift with bundles of 1000 Diamonds³ or more.

NOTE: The Tokay Gecko and Common Vampire Bat (one of the VIP options) are nocturnal animals; if you select these options, you will only see them in your inventory while you are in the Nocturnal House (available at level 80 and up!).

¹To receive a bonus gift, 100 Diamonds or more must be purchased in a single transaction. That means several smaller payments (ie. 2x 50 Diamonds) will not count.
For each payment of 100-199 Diamonds, you'll get one Black Rhinoceros or Red-Footed Tortoise or Tokay Gecko.
²A purchase of 200-999 Diamonds (pre-bulk bonus), will get you two Black Rhinoceroses or Red-Footed Tortoises or Tokay Geckos.
³With a purchase 1000 Diamonds (pre-bulk bonus), you'll have the option to receive one Lady Amherst's Pheasant OR one Common Vampire Bat OR one Zoo Visitor Dory NPC INSTEAD of two Black Rhinoceroses or Red-Footed Tortoises or Tokay Geckos. Getting more than one Lady Amherst's Pheasant or Common Vampire Bat or Zoo Visitor Dory with a single payment is not possible.
Tags: zoo2, zoo 2, animal park, bonus gift, black rhinoceros
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