
Snakes on a Plain

...and in the jungle, and in your terrariums, and in the breeding center, and well... everywhere really!

Danger noodles may not be for everyone, but they're every bit as worthy of our love and admiration as their less slithery zoo brethren. And visitors have no need to fear - with our excellent care, our snakes wouldn't want to leave their enclosures anyway!


From now through July 18 at 11:59 am CEST, you'll earn 150% more experience when facing your fears and taking care of your snakes. Not only that - successful snek breedings are guaranteed to result in triplets!

This event applies to the following species:
Green Anaconda, Indian Cobra, Reticulated Python, Scarlet Kingsnake

Tags: zoo2, zoo 2, animal park, event, snakes, cobra, python, kingsnake, anaconda
Let's go!