
Cozy Cashback and Bonus Gift Shake-up

Prepare for autumn and get your zoo in shape during our new cashback sale. Need more Diamonds? We have great news for you - a new bonus gift and two new VIP options await!

Fall has come to the zoo - there's leaves everywhere and it's time to get the enclosures ready for the colder weather.
It's the perfect time to make sure that your animals have roomy enclosures with plenty of cozy places to hide from the elements!


From through Monday, September 30, at 11:59 am CEST, you'll be able to earn back a portion of the Diamonds you spend in the game. Take advantage of this special sale to effectively save on just about anything that costs Diamonds.! The more you spend, the more you save - you'll be able to get back up to 25% of the Diamonds you spend:

  • 0-100 Diamonds: 5% of your Diamonds back
  • 100-500 Diamonds: 10% of your Diamonds back
  • 500-1000 Diamonds: 15% of your Diamonds back
  • 1000-2000 Diamonds: 20% of your Diamonds back
  • 2000+ Diamonds: 25% of your Diamonds back

During the sale, you'll also save an additional 33% on

???? Shop Animals
???? Enclosures and Enclosure-Related Items

🪵 Enclosure Expansions
🛖 Shelter Upgrades
🪧 Zoo Expansions

Once again, we have some stunning new options as bonus and VIP gifts if you're in need of Diamondsfor the sale:


With every purchase of 100 Diamonds¹ or more, you'll get a Black Stork as a free bonus gift (or the previous option, a Red-Necked Pademelon)!

Found in large parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia, the Black Stork is shyer than its close relative, the White Stork. It hunts for fish and other water-dwelling prey by stalking around in shallow freshwater. You can keep flocks of up to six Black Storks in a single forest enclosure.

When you purchase 200 Diamonds² or more, you'll even get a breeding pair of Black Storks (or Red-Necked Pademelons)!


Looking to purchase a larger amount of Diamonds? We've got you covered with not one, but two exciting VIP options!

When purchasing 1000 Diamonds³ or more, you'll have the option to choose one Asian Elephant or one Student Erik NPC instead of the Black Storks or Red-Necked Pademelons.

The middle-sized elephant of the three elephant species, Asian Elephant occurs naturally in southern and eastern Asia. Around a third of all Asian Elephants lives in captivity - be it in zoos, temples, work camps or for tourism. In your zoo, you will be able to keep herds of up to six of these colossal herbivores in a jungle enclosure.

Know-it-all Erik may not be everyone's cup of tea (looking at you, Lucy!), but he shares everyone's passion for the animals and has helped organize a lot of cooperations with the local univeristy. As an NPC, he will walk around your zoo, giving you a gift of experience points, Coins, or random puzzle pieces from time to time. Simply click on the pin that appears over his head to collect it!

¹To receive a bonus gift, 100 Diamonds or more must be purchased in a single transaction. That means several smaller payments (ie. 2x 50 Diamonds) will not count.
For each payment of 100-199 Diamonds, you'll get one Black Stork or Red-Necked Pademelon.
²A purchase of 200-999 Diamonds (pre-bulk bonus), will get you two Black Storks or Red-Necked Pademelons.
³With a purchase 1000 Diamonds (pre-bulk bonus), you'll have the option to receive one Asian Elephant OR one Zoo Visitor Erik NPC INSTEAD of two Black Storks or Red-Necked Pademelons. Getting more than one Asian Elephant or Pygmy Hippopotamus or Student Erik with a single payment is not possible.

Tags: zoo2, zoo 2, animal park, sale, cashback, bonus gift, vip gift, black stork, asian elephant, erik, student, npc
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