
Chests, Tickets, and a Big Shake-up

All three premium chests are changing up their guaranteed animals for this chest sale!

Our turbo-charged chest sale is back, with a big shake-up and big savings!
Even if you don't find the elusive pieces you're looking for, it's a great opportunity to stock up on Tickets!


From now until October 30 at 11:59 am CET, you can enjoy sensational savings:
Buy two premium chests and get one free or save 40% off on six Retro or Legendary Chests!

During the sale, you'll also earn 15% more Tickets from scrapping puzzle pieces and completing items with Tickets will cost 15% less!

Along with our sale, we're swapping around the featured animals in all three premium chests:

???? Epic Chests will contain at least one Sable Piece
???? Legendary Chests will contain at least one Hammerhead Piece
???? Retro Chests will contain at least one Musk Deer Piece

Tags: zoo2, zoo 2, animal park, chest sale, treasure chests, sable, hammerhead, musk deer
Let's go!