
Black Feet are Back!

We're welcoming back a small but ferocious predator as an alternative bonus gift to the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox and Tokay Gecko.
Africa's smallest cat, the Black-Footed Cat doesn't actually have black feet - just the soles of its feet are dark. Capable diggers, they modify existing burrows to rest in during the day; at night, they are ferocious and successful hunters of small prey.

With every purchase of 100 Diamonds¹ or more, you'll have the option to select a Black-Footed Cat as your free bonus gift (instead of the Tokay Gecko or Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox)!

Up to 12 Black-Footed Cats can be kept in a single plains enclosure.

With 200 Diamonds² or more, you can even get a breeding pair of kitties!

And of course, with a purchase of 1000 Diamonds³ or more, you'll be able to pick one VIP gift (Western Lowland Gorilla/Common Vampire Bat/Dr. Byrd NPC) instead of the cats should you so desire.

¹To receive a bonus gift, 100 Diamonds or more must be purchased in a single transaction. That means several smaller payments (ie. 2x 50 Diamonds) will not count.
For each payment of 100-199 Diamonds, you'll get one Black-Footed Cat OR Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox OR one Tokay Gecko.
²A purchase of 200-999 Diamonds (pre-bulk bonus), will get you two Black-Footed Cats OR two Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Foxes OR two Tokay Geckos.
³With a purchase 1000 Diamonds (pre-bulk bonus), you'll have the option to receive one Western Lowland Gorilla OR one Common Vampire Bat OR one Dr. Byrd NPC INSTEAD of two Black-Foooted Cats or Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Foxes or Tokay Geckos. Getting more than one Western Lowland Gorilla/Common Vampire Bat/Dr. Byrd NPC with a single payment is not possible.

Tags: zoo2, zoo 2, animal park, bonus, gift, black-footed cat
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