
Fake it till you make it!

Which fish turns into a spiky ball to look strong when in danger?

Known for its trademark defense of puffing up into a big spiky sphere, the porcupinefish is a saltwater fish native to shallow tropical waters around the world. In addition to their ability to inflate, some species are highly poisonous - making them a poor choice of snack for most predators. While not threatened, porcupinefish are relatively unassuming fish with a short, chubby build and big, protruding eyes.


Now you can welcome a Porcupinefish to your store with every purchase of 100 Diamonds* or more! These fascinating fish can be kept in saltwater aquariums, where they take up two units of space.


With a purchase of 200 Diamonds* or more, you'll even receive two of these spin fish for breeding!

Tags: free, bonus, gift, present, defence, danger, puff, fish, spikes
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