
Lovely Gem Miracle

What's better than love? Love and gems!

Something strange is afoot. Uptasians have started to notice that every time they spend Gems, they'll find a couple of Gems hiding around their houses again... it can only mean there's another Gem Miracle!


From February 14 at noon CET until February 18 at noon CET, you'll have the chance to earn back a percentage of the Gems you spend in game, which you will receive back at a later time!

It gets even better though - the more you spend, the higher the percentage of Gems you'll get back. You'll start out at 10% - but if you spend enough, you can even get up to 20% back! Once you hit the 15% mark, you'll be able to send the friendship gift "You Are My Heart", and if you reach the 20% bonus, you'll even get a special new cat for your Cat Courier - Velvety Bianca!


The Gems will be reimbursed when you first log in between February 18 at noon CET and February 22 at 11:59 pm CET. You'll be able to pick them up in the Gem Miracle window by clicking "Collect". If you managed to get Velvety Bianca, you'll receive her at that point too!

Keep an eye out for special offers in the villa!

Tags: gem, miracle, love, cashback
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