
Scrap and Save

It's chest sale time! Save on chests, and get the most out of your DNA pieces!

DNA, Amber, and chests galore! We have another chest sale for you.


From now until Monday, August 7, you can reap the benefits of our chest event:

???? Get three premium chests for the price of two
???? Save 40% off on bundles of 6 Retro or Legendary Chests
???? Get 15% more Amber for scrapping DNA pieces
????Completing DNA pieces will cost 15% less Amber

Guaranteed animal pieces in Legendary and Retro Chests have also been switched up:

???? Legendary Chests are now guaranteed to contain a Thylacoleo Piece
???? Retro Chests are now guaranteed to contain a Megalania Piece

Tags: dinos, dinopark, dinosaur park, chest sale, legendary chest, retro chest, tylacoleo, megalania
Let's go!