
A Trendy New Look for Gigantspinosaurus

Sick of all the vibrant, bright colors? Give your eyes a break with a cool and unintrusive new look for the beloved Gigantspinosaurus!

Gray doesn't have to mean bland! It can also be very trendy!

We're pleased to introduce a brand-new 2-star collection at the Visitor Center:

Collect and breed all of the following animals up to level 4 to unlock the Monochrome Gigantspinosaurus:

  • Altirhinus
  • Altirhinus (Pink)
  • Citipati
  • Gigantspinosaurus
  • Lufengosaurus
  • Maiasaura
  • Minmi
  • Tupandactylus
  • Tupuxuara
Tags: dinos, dinopark, dinosaur park, collection, gigantspinosaurus
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