upjers news

English Portal now online!

Register now or link your game-accounts to our brand-new English portal! Meet friends, get the latest news and much more on en.upjers.com!

Yes, we are online: The brand-new US-version of our game-portal! Meet friends, get the latest news and much more right here right now on en.upjers.com!

Register for free and click on "Games" and on "Import Account". You will now be asked to select the server you play on, as well as to enter your login-name and password there. The portal will then connect to the game.

You can also create new accounts here as well - also choose the game you like, the server you want to play on and enter your desired login-details.

Now you can register for our games via this portal or link your already existing game accounts to the portal: no more logging in via 5 or more different login pages: no, you can access all games via the portal easily, with just a few clicks!

Welcome to our portal!