upjers News

2017-02-22 - Give yourself the royal treatment and pamper your Farmies with a premium account! Build yourself a lavish palace and enjoy faster productions, daily gifts, and much, much more!
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2017-01-10 - 2016 ended less than two weeks ago. It was an exciting year for us here at upjers, and we'd like to take a moment to look back at some of the highlights and thank our loyal community that contributes so much to making our game special! Thank you! So hop in the time machine and join us in taking a look at all the cool stuff that happened in 2016!
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2016-12-15 - Experience the age of hunters and gatherers! In this brand-new app, you'll be able to help a group of cavemen learn to live a sessile life - and flourish into a thriving society!
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2016-12-08 - Prepare for a very sweet Christmas event in My Free Zoo! If you love icing, sugar and marshmallows, this is the festive event you've been waiting for!
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2016-12-08 - Even in the warmer places, people dream of a white Christmas. There's nothing quite like the tranquility of snow flakes drifting down on a quiet night - and now you can enjoy that experience in your resort!
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2016-12-06 - The hallways and corridors are quiet no more - bawling babies and happily shrieking children are now livening things up a bit - that's right: Kapi Hospital now has a maternity ward!
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2016-12-05 - Christmas is just around the corner, and Farmies are busy decorating their snowed in paths and fields. A classic fixture of every town square is the winter nativity scene - and now you can build one, too!
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2016-11-25 - Black Friday marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in many parts of the world - and we're joining in with fantastic sales in select games!
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2016-11-22 - It's what you've all been waiting for! The hit browser game My Little Farmies now has a mobile counterpart. You can now enjoy medieval farming fun wherever you may be on your smartphone or tablet!
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2016-10-31 - Ghosts, music, and spooky decorations! Molehill Empire has it all for this year's Halloween party in the recreational garden!
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