
New Destinations for Guild Expeditions

Sail into far-off lands to acquire new colonial goods! Explore near frontiers of seafaring!

Today's patch finally brings you new destinations for your guild expeditions in My Little Farmies!

Effective immediately, there are  available. These are much further away than current expeditions, so you'll want to prepare bigger and faster ships for these new voyages. Of course, you can also acquire some brand-new goods in these foreign lands. Go forth and get a total of eight new colonial goods, from Obsidian and Flint to Oysters and Peanuts.

The coordinates for these trade destinations are a well-kept secret and can be acquired in the guild shop for a price (either Thalers or Gold Bars). The costs are covered by the guild funds - which means only Aldermen and Consuls can make these purchases for the guild.

Have fun exploring!

Tags: My Little Farmies, guilds, guild expeditions, new colonial goods, new destinations
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