
Set sail and join the guilds in My Little Farmies!

The Hanseatic League used to be the most influential commercial and defensive union of merchants in Europe in the Late Middle Ages. Starting now, My Little Farmies' players can join forces in guilds who are based on this successful confederation.

Join a guild, or found a guild of your own, compete against other guilds or complete fundraising goals inside your guild: the new feature will offer new challenges for everyone who loves working in a team and toward a common goal.

As a guild-member, you may donate thalers or goods to your team. This gains you tribute points, which in turn give you honorary titles inside the guild. The goods donated can be used to participate against other guilds at server-wide weekly contests, and gain statue-pieces as a reward, if your guild is among the winning ones.

On top of that, guild-leaders can initiate internal fundraising challenges. Here, members can donate thalers, and gain experience points bonuses when tending to their plants or animals if they manage to complete the fundraising challenge within the given time.

Want to find out more? Then stop by in our forum!


Tags: My Little Farmies, Hanseatic League, guilds, guild-system
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