
My Little Farmies - Traveling Salesmen's Week!

The sun is shining, the crops are in full bloom and the traveling salesmen are coming to town to make a purchase!

During our traveling salesmen week, which runs until Tuesday, August 12 2014 at 10:50 am BST on My Little Farmies, the traveling salesmen will give you twice as many experience points (XP) and twice as many thalers for the desired products! And as the run on your lovely organic products is so big, you'll only have to wait half as long as usually for the next salesmen to arrive!

And, did you know: during the event, completing plants using fertilizer (with our premium currency gold bars) will only cost you half as much as usually (minimum price: 1 gold bar)!

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Tags: My Little Farmies, traveling salesmen
Let's go!