
More space for workers on My Little Farmies

With today's game patch, all players starting at level 40 can give new workers a roof over their heads, and thus gain further assistance when managing their farms.

Workers come in quite handy when it comes to managing a farm - especially a big farm. All that is needed to hire them is a servants' house and, depending on how many you wish to hire - enough beds to house them!

At level 40, five new worker slots can now be unlocked - and a further five slots are available one level later - starting at level 41. These additional slots - or beds - that are added to the servants' house, enable players to hire even more workers, to help them take care of their daily chores. As premium features, the slots are available in exchange for our premium currency gold bars.

But that's not the only new feature we've got for you today: as of now, guild-members can start trading their card-pieces with fellow guild-members!

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Tags: Servants' house, workers, slots, guilds, trading
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