
Footie Campaign in My Little Farmies!

The long since awaited Football World Cup is coming up - and to get you all into the mood, we've got a truly unique 3-staged World Cup Campaign for you that lets you win entirely new production buildings on My Little Farmies!

The first round of our My Little Farmies Football World Cup Event will run until Tuesday, June 17 at 10:59 am BST.

Decorate your farms with the World Cup items you will find in your shop during the first round and unlock a number of great prizes. As Football wasn't yet invented in the Middle Ages, our World Cup campaign here will revolve around the sport of La Soule


During each of the three rounds of our campaign, you'll find a number of World Cup - or La Soule - decorations in your farm-shop - such as cheering, trumpeting and flag bearing fans or a stage. The World Cup decoration you place in your farms during round one of our World Cup Campaign, will gain you points in the form of prelim footballsIf you manage to collect enough prelim footballs before round one ends, you may even be able to secure yourselves a brand-new building: the ore mine!


And it is a truly unique one:  is the first building that allows you to turn more than one resource into one end product!

Your rewards will be credited to you once round 1 has ended. This is when round 2 will commence - with brand-enw decorations, and further great rewards to win. Want to find out more? Then best log int your My Little Farmies accounts right away!

Tags: My Little Farmies, Football World Cup Campaign, La soule, football, ore mine
Let's go!