
The golden takin and the Amazon river dolphin have arrived on My Free Zoo!

The golden takin, an endangered goat-antelope native to Central Asia and the South American Amazon river dolphin, have decided to stop by on My Free Zoo.

Starting today, the newcomer is My Free Zoo's latest premium bonus item, available as gift on top of a purchase of 100 diamonds.


Their beautiful golden coat, said to be the source of the legend of the Golden Fleece, keeps golden takins warm during the cold winters in the Himalayan Mountain regions. The Asian native therefore will feel right at home in either your ice or rock enclosures.

The Amazon river dolphin, an equally enticing animal, has arrived in My Free Zoo's zoo-shop, and is available for your Amazonian houses.

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Also called Pink River Dolphin, it is the largest freshwater cetacean and can grow larger than a human! Plus, it has brought a number of new decorations along: new trees, wallpapers and awesome decorations such as a Maya temple ruin, can now be found inside the shop!

Tags: My Free Zoo, golden takin, bonus item, rock enclosure, ice enclosure,Amazon river dolphin
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