
Save the Eagles!

Especially take care of your eagles this week!

Raptors are without a doubt one of the most captivating types of birds. Countries around the world use eagles as their national symbols, and it's no surprise why - large and fearless, they fill people with a sense of awe and intimidation. Unfortunately, threats such as habitat destruction, poaching and widespread use of pesticides are threatening these magnificent animals. Let's band together to save the eagles!


From now until Wednesday, January 11 at 10:59 am CET, you'll get a whopping 500% more experience points for feeding, tending to raptors in your zoo! In addition fertility food only costs half the price, and successful breeding attempts of the hereinafter mentioned raptors will result in twins!

The following animals will benefit from these bonuses:
Bald Eagle, Blue-Chested Buzzard, Cape Vulture, Secretarybird, Harpy Eagle, Haast's Eagle, Andean Condor, Steller's Sea Eagle, Bearded Vulture, Red Kite, Griffon Vulture, Martial Eagle, and Wedge-Tailed Eagle

Tags: eagle, bird, breeding, twin, baby
Let's go!