
New animal in My Free Zoo's Halloween Campaign

Thanks to our Halloween Campaign update, you'll now be able to secure yourselves two very special and exclusive animal species for your zoo: the bat as well as the common raven!

You're saving up to get a bat - or maybe even two bats? Then you're in luck, for once you have reached reward level 3, your prize, once the campaign has ended, won't just be one, but two bats!

Of course this means our main prize has slightly changed as well... and naturally, we've got an equally mysterious new animal species for you here also. So keep collecting candy and unlock yourselves not one, no - but a total of two common ravens with reward level 5!

Check out our Halloween Campaign and secure yourselves these and many other attractive prizes before our campaign ends next week! You'll find all details in My Free Zoo's game forum!

Tags: My Free Zoo, common raven, Halloween campaign
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