
My Free Zoo - The 100th animal!

My Free Zoo is all about variety! And today we're happy to welcome a truly special animal to the zoo: the 100th animal species has made its way to My Free Zoo all the way from Africa. We are happy to welcome the Grey Crowned Crane!

To make sure the majestic bird with the crown of golden feathers will feel right at home in My Free Zoo, we have come up with a truly unique campaign that all players who have reached level 10 will be able to participate in.

All you need to do is log into your game accounts once per day until Thursday, August 29th at 10:59:59 am BST (UTC+1), and buy one new Grey Crowned Crane card-piece in exchange for 5000 zoo-dollars each per day. The crane-icon on the right-hand side of the screen will open the campaign-window.


Now all you need to do is click the "buy" icon to buy today's card-piece. The next card-piece can be purchased the day after.

Please note: to ensure all players in all time zones will have a chance of gaining this amazing new animal, each new card-piece will become available at 11 am BST (UTC +1) of the following day, until the campaign ends on August 29th at 10:59:59 BST - not at midnight!

Once you have gathered all the required card-pieces, you'll be able to redeem them, and will receive a beautiful Grey Crowned Crane in exchange. By the way: the Grey Crowned Crane  is especially partial to grassland and forest enclosures!

Tags: My Free Zoo, 100th animal, animal species, Grey Crowned Crane
Let's go!