
Garden game: An affair of the heart for Molehill Empire

Looking for the perfect Valentine's Day gift in Molehill Empire? Presentina has something in stock for you!

Valentine's Day is on Friday, and the gifts in Molehill Empire are already available today. To celebrate love and friendship in our virtual gardens, Presentina has expanded her range of products for you.

As of now, you will not only find her popular Valentine's Day gifts from previous years, but also the brand new trophy cabinett item "candy heart". These special gifts are available at Presentina until February 26 and will shower your loved ones with love and happiness.

Don't miss out on the romantic presents and take a look at Presentina's Shop in Molehill Empire.

Tags: presentina, present, gift, love, valentine, mole, molehill, heart, candy, happiness, joy, forever, romance
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