
International Nurses Day on Kapi Hospital!

upnews_1336380959.pngKapi Hospital celebrates all dedicated nurses out there! And that's why you can hire the supernurse for reduced prices this week!
Where would be without highly trained professionals? Certainly not near as healthy as we are - and the same goes for your patients in Kapi Hospital! International Nurses Day is celebrated all over the world on May 12th, which marks the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth. This valiant woman is considered as founder of nursing as we know it today.


To celebrate this remarkable woman in style, you will be able to book the supernurse for the reduced prices of 3 to 10 Coins instead of 5 to 15 Coins from May 7th until May 13th!

Let's celebrate!
Tags: Kapi Hospital, International Nurses Day
Let's go!