
Kapi Regnum: Classified ads for all players!

upnews_1353936161.pngPlace classified ads and tell your fellow players on Kapi Regnum exactly which items you are looking to buy our sell!
You'll now find this feature as additional topic in your ads. Each player may place and ad that will tell what he/she is looking to buy or sell. The ad will appear in the Kapi Regnum Journal under the heading of "Classified Ads". upnews_1353936068.jpg

You can either place a large or a small ad - the small ad is for free and you can add a total of 5 products to ask for or offer. The large ad allows you to offer/ask for 15 products at the same time, but will cost you 1 Coin.

You can place a free ad for a duration of one week, or have your ad running up to four weeks in exchange for Coins. Check out the new feature now!
Tags: Kapi Regnum, classified ads, ads
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