
It's Looking Black 🖤 in Dinosaur Park - Primeval Zoo

If mammoths weren't metal enough on their own with their huge size and massive trunks, they're now getting a color variant to look even cooler.

🎶 I see a red mammoth and I want to paint it black...🎶

Our mammoths are rocking out with a very cool new look!

Complete our latest 2 ⭐ collection in the Visitor Center to unlock black Woolly Mammoth!

Just breed the following species to level 3:

  • American Mastodon
  • Arsinoitherium
  • Deinotherium
  • Elasmotherium
  • Macrauchenia
  • Megatapirus
  • Platybelodon
  • Woolly Mammoth
  • Woolly Rhinoceros
Let's go!