
Dinosaur Game: A "Terrible Cat" for Dinosaur Park - Primeval Zoo

An extinct species of cat is returning to the dinosaur game and is now available to you again as a bonus animal.
We're bringing back two former bonus gifts as alternate options with Ammonite purchases. When you buy 100 Ammonites¹ or more, you'll now be able to pick Dinofelis or Parapuzosia as a free bonus gift(instead of the yellow-orange Gallimimus/Suzhousaurus)!


A sabre-toothed cat without any notable "sabres", Dinofelis was in the same size bracket as today's big cats.
It went extinct at the start of the ice age; the gradual disappearance of its forest habitat likely played a large role in this. You can keep up to ten of these oversized kitties in a single forest enclosure.


Parapuzosia is a colossal ammonite (not the kind you can spend though!) that lived during the Late Cretaceous. It may have been the heaviest invertibrate to ever live! In your zoo, it will happily bob around in a water enclosure, where it can be kept in groups of up to six individuals.

When you purchase of 200 Ammonites² or more, you'll even be able to get a pair of your chosen animal!

As always, when you purchase 1000+ Ammonites³, you'll be able to pick one VIP animal (green-brown Titanoceratops, Albertosaurus, Elasmosaurus or Smilodon) instead of the regular bonus gifts! In the browser version of the game, you'll even be able to purchase a 2500+ Ammonite buncle⁴ with two VIP animals.

¹To receive a bonus gift, 100 Ammonites or more must be purchased in a single transaction. That means several smaller payments (ie. 2x 50 Ammonites) will not count.
For each payment of 100-199 Ammonites, you'll get one yellow-orange Gallimimus OR Suzhousaurus OR Dinofelis OR Parapuzosia.
²A purchase of 200-999 Ammonites (pre-bulk bonus), will get you two yellow-orange Gallimimuses OR Suzhousauruses OR Dinofelises OR Parapuzosias.
³With a purchase 1000 Ammonites (pre-bulk bonus), you'll have the option to receive one Titanoceratops (Green-Brown) OR one Albertosaurus OR one Elasmosaurus OR one Smilodon INSTEAD of two yellow-orange Gallimumuses/Dinofelises.
⁴With a purchase 2500 Ammonites (pre-bulk bonus, browser-only), you'll have the option to receive two Titanoceratopses (Green-Brown) OR two Albertosauruses OR two Elasmosauruses OR two Smilodons INSTEAD of two yellow-orange Gallimumuses/Dinofelises.

Tags: dinos, dinopark, dinosaur park, bonus, dinofelis, parapuzosia
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