
Relish this summer's last ice cream cone!

upnews_1347279864.pngEven the greatest summer is bound to end some time. The days are getting shorter already, and the temperatures are sinking - time to relish this summer's last ice cream cone! That's why dear Miss Rosewater's got a special offer on ice cream cones this week!
Off you go to Miss Rosewater's in Sniffleton! In her small store, the good lady is selling off the remaining ice cream cones for an unbeatable 50 hT per piece. Send your friends one of these tasty cool delights to spice up the last days of summer!


This offer is valid for an entire week, until September 16th at 2359 hours CEST!
Tags: Kapi Hospital, ice cream cone, Miss Rosewater's, present
Let's go!